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发布者: / 发布时间:2021-08-16 / 点击量:






1. Z. Yao, Y. Dai, Q. Li, D. Xie and Z. Liu, "A Novel Posture Positioning Method for Multi-Joint Manipulators," in IEEE Sensors Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3007701.

2. Chen, Y.; Yao, Z.*; Peng, Z. A Novel Method for Asynchronous Time-of-Arrival-Based Source Localization: Algorithms, Performance and Complexity. Sensors 2020, 20, 3466.(* Corresponding author)

3. N. Zhang; Z.Q. Yao*; Y. Liu; S. Boyd; Z. Q. Luo, "Dynamic Resource Allocation for Energy Efficient Transmission in Digital Subscriber Lines," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , 2017, 65(16): 4353-4366.(* Corresponding author)

4. Zhiqiang Yao, Jinfeng Huang, Shiguo Wang, Rukhsana Ruby.An Efficient Local Optimization-Based Approach for Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Source Localization Problems[J],in IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 11, no. 7, pp. 1051-1054. DOI: 10.1049/iet-rsn.2016.0433.

5. YAO Z.Q., LI G.L., WANG S.G., YOU Z.H.. Compressed Sensing Channel Estimation Algorithm Based on Deterministic Sensing with Golay Complementary Sequences[J]. JEIT, 2016, 38(2): 282-287.

6. Wang, S., Ruby, R., Leung, V. C., & Z.Q.Yao. A Low-Complexity Power Allocation Strategy to Minimize Sum-Source-Power for Multi-User Single-AF-  Relay networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications,  64(8),  3275- 3283(* Corresponding author).

7. N. Zhang, Z.Q.Yao, Y. Liu, S. Boyd and Z. Q. Luo, "Optimal Resource Allocation for Energy Efficient Transmission in DSL," 2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Washington, DC, USA, 2016, pp. 1-6.

8. Yao Zhiqiang, et al. Channel estimation of sparse multipath based on compressed sensing using Golay sequences[C], Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2015.

9. ZhiqiangYao, Z.Zhou, T.Pei, Z.You. An improved frame synchronization metric function and algorithm for MIMO-OFDM with distributed antenna system[J]. Chinese Journal of Radio Science, 2014, V29(6).

10. Zhiqiang Yao, Jin Luo, Y.Ding, T.Pei. PerformanceAnalysis of the Frame Synchronization forMIMO-OFDM with Distributed Antenna System[J], Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2013,v41(10).

11. Zhiqiang Yao, Jin Luo, T.Pei, Z.Zhou.Threshold Selection Criterion of Frame Synchronization for Distributed MIMO-OFDM System[J], Chinese Journal of Radio Science, 2013,V28(6)

12. Y. Ding, Y. Wang, J.F.Diouris, Z.Q.Yao. Robust fixed -complexity sphere decoders for rank-deficient MIMO systems[J], IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communication, vol.12, no.9, 2013.

13. Zhiqiang Yao, Jing Luo, Tao Peng, M.SHENG.Statistical Properties of Coarse Synchronization for MIMO-OFDM with Distributed Antenna System[C]. IEEE ICACT 2013, p994-997. (Outstanding Paper Awardee).

14.  Yao Zhi-qiang, W.Wang, T.Pei, TaoPeng, M.Sheng. Optimization Problem for MIMO Systems with Co-channel Interference[J], Chinese Journal of Radio Science, 2012, v27(5).



1. 国家重点研发计划(子课题,2020YFA0713502),复杂环境下的GNSS高可靠整周模糊度固定及深组合导航算法,主持2021-2025,54万,在研。

2. 湖南省军民融合专项(协同创新项目)课题,****导航***,105万,2019-2021.

3. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目,61372127),无线通信系统压缩采样定时同步机制研究,70万,2014-2017.

4. 横向课题,LTE高精度定位技术,40万,2020-2021.

5. 湖南省科技计划项目(重点项目,2012GK2003),大型工程机械基于超宽带的姿态感知系统的研制,30万,2012-2014;

6. 湖南省重点研发计划课题(2016JC2021),软件无线电集成开发环境图形化建模与自动代码生成关键技术研究,30万,2016-2019;


1. 国家社科基金重点项目,互联网+档案新业态研究(17ATQ010),2018-2022;

2. 国家自然科学基金,超密集无线接入网与回程网的联合优化管理研究(61571384),2016-2019;


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